
Welcome to the Language Arts blog for Ms. Diller's Fourth Grade class! Here, you can keep up-to-date with our Reading and Writing assignments, as well as access several resources to use at home.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Assignment 1: Expository Essay on Whales

This week you are going to use what you've learned in science to write an essay on one species of whale (Blue, Grey, or Humpback).

PART 1: Use your notes in your science notebook and handouts to put together all of your information.

Organize Your Thoughts! Use this website to put all of your information together. Print out the graphic organizer you have created to use when you write your essay. [NOTE: Click on the Animal Facts picture]

PART 2: Write a rough draft using the following format:


Body Paragraph 1- What does this whale look like? (Color, length, weight, ...)

Body Paragraph 2- How does it move? What sounds does it make?

Body Paragraph 3- What does it eat?


PART 3: Have your writing buddy revise your essay.

PART 4: Type your final draft using Microsoft Word. **Remember to save your work to YOUR FILE!!**

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